Are IV nutrient infusions safe?

Yes. IV nutritional therapy is very effective and generally safe when administered by a trained practitioner.

Our formulas are administered by medical professionals who have the appropriate training and proven experience in IV therapy. The medications and supplies used are the same medical-grade quality that you would be used in a hospital setting.

Anyone on our medical team can answer specific questions you have about the service before or during your treatment.

Is this service restricted to people born female?

While our Functional Medicine membership is restricted to those born female, we offer IV/IM nutrient therapy to either sex.

Who should not get IV nutrient infusion?

There are certain medical conditions where IV nutritional therapy is contraindicated. If you have an allergy to a nutrient, you should not receive infusions containing that nutrient.

We do not adminster IVs to people that have congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic kidney disease (CKD), have abnormal vital signs, or having a medical emergency. Lastly, those diagnosed with G6PD deficiency can’t receive IV Vitamin C.

Can I get an IV nutrient infusion if I am pregnant or breast/chestfeeding?

We do not administer IV/IM nutrients to pregnant or breast/chestfeeding people.

How does IV nutrient therapy work?

During the visit, a healthcare provider will discuss your main concerns and desired outcomes with you. They will review your medical & surgical history and any medications you are taking. Your vital signs will be checked before & after the infusion.

The procedure involves inserting a sterile needle into your vein or muscle and injecting the prescribed solution.

Vitamins and nutrients are infused directly into your veins and bypass the chewing/swallowing process and the gut. As a result, you are absorbing 100% of the nutrients.

What is in the IV infusion?

We have several formulas to address common concerns and can customize according to your needs. In general, they deliver micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids that serve major roles in metabolic processes, cognitive homeostasis, antioxidant properties, and tissue function.

Who is IV infusion good for?

Our IV nutrient therapy is good for those with functional but suboptimal, digestion or diet and could thus benefit from certain IV nutritional therapies to fill in the gaps.

Commonly used to support the immune system, promote recovery from intense exercise, dehydrations, hangovers, nausea, PMS-related symptoms, migraines, post-operataive recovery, post gastric bypass surgery, etc.

Should I speak with my healthcare provider first?

You're welcome to speak wtih your healthcare provider about the saftey and efficacy of IV nutrient therapy.

Do you accept insurance?

We do not accept insurance. This offering is fee-for-service and payment is made at the time of booking with credit/ debit, or FSA/HSA card.

What areas do you offer IV nutritient infusion services?

We travel to Cutler Bay, Palmetto Bay, Palmetto Estates, The Falls area, Dadeland area, Pinecrest, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, and the Upper Keys.

If you desire ONLY IM injections, we will come to you in Cutler Bay, Palmetto Bay, Palmetto Estates, The Falls area, and Pincrest for an additional $38 travel fee. One travel fee per visit, regardless of how many injections administered.